“Those who peddle ointments or other medicines in the squares, pull out their teeth or play hand games that today are more commonly called charlatans … from Cerreto, a village in Umbria from which in ancient times such people used to come, making money“.
The word “Ciarlatano”, known throughout the world, today indicates any type of impostor and deceiver, but the direct derivation of the word “Ciarlatano” is due to the fusion between “Ciarla” (referring to nonsense) and “Cerretano” (inhabitant of Cerreto di Spoleto); it was then associated with the profession of begging, chosen by the Cerretani in the Middle Ages; the art of begging was perhaps learned by pilgrims, as this village is located along one of the tours of the most important Christian sanctuaries. Then, the Cerretans refined their art of begging in Spoleto in the fourteenth century, at the service of the local hospital organization.
‘Charlatan’ also became synonymous with “acrobat”, as these characters, to attract attention, often climbed onto wooden stools that they carried with them, in order to attract the public and sell their stuff; the Charlatans put on real theatrical representations of high talent, attracting the interest of people overwhelmed by wonder and amazement.